
Saturday, August 14, 2010

There, I Did It

I started a blog.

I've been told by several people that my kids crack them up.  They crack me up too.  The things that come out of their mouths sometimes just amazes me (and not always in a good way).  My kids can be very clever and witty with a dash of smartass squeezed in.  I didn't know that such sarcasm can start at such a young age.

I am a stay at home mom to 4 kids:  2 boys and 2 girls - in that order.  The oldest is almost 7.  Very sarcastic but very well behaved....for other people.  

My second born is 5.  He's cool because he just started Kindergarten.  He's quick and witty, but serious at the same time.  

Then there's the first girl.  She's 2 going on 16.  She thinks she's the boss of the house (daddy thinks so too). She has developed quite a little attitude for being 2.  I've heard people talk about the terrible two's.  My mom (also a mom to 2 of each) is a firm believer that there is no such thing as the terrible twos.  She says that at 2 they're curious, but at 3 they know better.  If this is true, I'm in a lot of trouble.

Last is the baby.  She is 2 months old.  She's been a pretty good baby so far.  Loves attention from her siblings.  Loves to eat.  So far so good.

Boy do I have my work cut out for me.

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