
Monday, August 27, 2012

An Interview with Maddie

Well, it's time again for a birthday interview.  Here is the post that I began writing on Maddie's birthday:

I was trying to convince Maddie to get dressed this morning.  It was difficult to get her out of the new pajamas that I just bought for her because she was enjoying wearing them.  They came with a matching nightgown for her doll. 

Holding up an orange dress from inside of her closet, I asked her, "Do you want to wear this dress today?"  She replied with, "No, I want to wear the new dress that you just bought for me."  Confused, I asked her, "What new dress?  I didn't buy you a dress."  "The orange one, mom.  Remember we got it the other day."  

The conversation escalated, and so did her frustration with each answer that she gave to me:

"Maddie, that wasn't a dress that I bought you.  That is a tank top.  We had this conversation already."  I grabbed the new shirt in my hand and compared it to the dress that I had in the other.  "See, the dress is longer".  

"Then that's a dress for little babies,"  she says.  "It's too short for me."

Hmmm... then I thought of something that would most certainly end this conversation.  It's her birthday today and she is 4.  The shirt is also size 4.  Oh yes, this is going to work:

"Maddie, do you see what the tag says?  What size is this?"


"Ok, and how old are you?"

Knowing that she had lost this argument, she looks at me with a furrowed brow as she's trying with all of her might not to laugh, she says, "I'm 16!"

Sigh.  You certainly act like it.  It occurred to me that she didn't get her birthday interview yet.  So, here it is.  A peek inside of the mind of my daughter.  

  How old are you today?

   What is the best thing that happened to you so   far this year? 
   We went to Sea World.

   What was your favorite part about sea world?
    I got to see Shamu.

    Is it a girl or a boy?
    I think it’s a girl.  She’s so pretty.

   What is your favorite book?
    Don’t Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late

    What do you like about it?
    When the pigeon says, “I’m not tired!!”

     Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?

     How can you be Rapunzel when you grow up? 
     You have to have long hair.
     What is your favorite toy?

     What is your favorite outfit to wear?
      My Rapunzel dress.

      What is your favorite color?

      Do you think that you will get married someday?

      Why not? 
      Because daddy’s going to be mad.

      If you could decorate our house, what would it look like?
      It would have pink and purple streamers.

      If you could have any pet, what would it be?
      A koala. Oh, and a flamingo.
What is your favorite movie?

What is the grossest thing that you can think of?

Are you starting school soon? 
Yes, preschool.

What do you think it will be like?
 I will play outside on the playground and do some work.

What is your favorite food?

What do you think of my driving?
You’re a cool driver.

What do you think about being 4?
It’s awesome. I like being 4 and pretty.

Do you feel any different?

What is something that I always say to you?
That you love me.

How do I make you laugh?
 Tickle my belly.

How old do you think I am?
(smart girl)

How old is daddy?
 Maybe 16.

Who is the nicest person that you know?
Me (with a big smile).

What are you really good at? 
Playing Candyland.

What are you not so good at?
Whack-a-mole.  It called me a “bowl head” and that’s not nice.

What is the best thing about having brothers? 
They’re fun.

What don’t you like about having brothers?
 They’re rude.

What is something that your brothers do that makes you mad? 
They make me cry.

How do they make you cry? 
They annoy me.

What is your favorite thing about having a sister? 
Playing with her.  She’s my best friend.

How are you and Keira different?
 I’m brown and she’s white.

You mean your hair? 
No, I mean my whole self.  See, (pointing to her skin) this is brown.

What don’t you like about having a sister? 
When she’s rude.

What is something that Keira does that makes you mad? 
She laughs at me when I pee myself.

If you had a lot of money, what do you think you would buy?
A bunch of strawberries.

What is your favorite thing to do with mommy? 
Go to the mall.

What is your favorite thing to do with daddy? 
I like to help daddy outside.

What does 'love' mean?
It means I love you.

Are there any questions that I didn’t ask you? 
Yes.  You didn’t ask me what makes me giggle and swiggle.

I’m sorry, what makes you giggle? 
And swiggle.

What is a swiggle? 
A swiggle is something that makes you laugh.  That’s what I’m talking about.

What makes you giggle and swiggle? 
A tickle.

Is there anything else that you feel that I need to know? 
No, we’re done.